A new Beds record

The group found Mycena rhenana on an old alder cone at Flitwick Moor last weekend, which is a new species record for Beds.  Photo from Claudi


Autumn programme

Our autumn programme was sent to members recently, and can be seen in the calendar.

A late spring species to look out for

You may like to keep an eye out for a spring fungus that seems to be doing well this year - Inocybe erubescens, formerly I patouillardii - English name Deadly Fibrecap!.  Being a spring / early summer species and a nice chunky chap, it could be mistaken for St Georges mushroom when young and undamaged, because the characteristic reddening is not usually apparent straight away; see the photo of specimens at different ages.  As regards habitat, it seems to favour beech woods on chalk or limestone, sometimes with white helleborine, and even more  excitingly, occasionally yellow birds nest.

Beautiful Lepiota

This beautiful fungus, Lepiota ochraceofulva (no English name), was found by Margaret and Steve under a cedar in south Herts just before Christmas.   Its definition is attributed to the famous mycologist Peter Orton, who gave our Recorder Alan a lot of encouragement in his study of fungi when Alan was a young man.  

There are only 41 records of Lepiota ochraceofulva in the new BMS database (FRDBI) but I know that not all historical records have yet been transferred across to it.  Marcel Bon says it is “uncommon” and Alan has confirmed that it is a new county record for Herts.  



Bolete news from Kerry


Kerry and Glenda have sent me this photo of the fungus they recently found near Cottered - the Iodine bonnet (Hemileccinum impolitum aka Boletus impolitus).  Its English name derives from the smell you get when you cut the stem.  The epithet "impolitus" means "rough" or "unpolished" and refers to the appearance of its cap, which some people describe as looking as if it has been knocked about with a hammer.   

Spring programme now available

Members will recently have received the Spring progamme.  It is also in the calendar.  Newsgroup members will receive an email reminder before each meeting.

Extra meeting!

I have just added an extra meeting to the calendar, which was not in our programme - field meeting and BBQ near Berkhamstead on Sunday 15 December.  See calendar for further info.

Interesting finds at Gobions Wood

Margaret & Steve had some interesting finds at Gobions Wood in the spring, in spite of the dry conditions.

Autumn programme now in calendar

Meetings for the rest of the autumn have now been entered into the events calendar (on pc, calendar is bottom right of home page; on tablet / phone, scroll down to bottom).   In some cases you will need to click Read More to see full entry