Six people including the leader, Kerry Robinson, were at this meeting, and they were accompanied by the assistant warden, John Rowley. It had been very dry beforehand, so the group concentrated on the damper areas near the ponds, where they found the rare asco-on-a-stalk  Myriosclerotinia sulcatula (photo attached).

Other notable finds were the dainty little white toadstool Hemimycena tortuosa (Dewdrop bonnet, so-called as it often has water droplets on its cap and stipe), the striking red cup fungus Sarcoscypha austriaca  (Scarlet elfcup), and the somewhat less striking rust on hartstongue fern, Milesina scolopendrii, which is interesting in that it does not look like the common rusts, but instead appears as inconspicuous white fluff on the back of old /overwintering leaves of the fern (